Thought leadership consulting

To exert influence as thought leaders, executives must hone their insights and develop them into clear, cogent statements that their audiences can grasp and act upon. We engage in an in-depth dialogue with our clients, researching and refining their vision, and then helping them find how to express their insights for maximum impact. 

Sustainability advisory services

Stakeholders today expect a strong response to global challenges, demanding that businesses meticulously manage, report and live up to their environmental and social commitments. We help organizations to identify their sustainability-related strengths and weaknesses and report on them in ways that improve investor confidence and sustainability outcomes. 


Public speaking is among the chief obligations of many executives, who must consistently deliver the right messages for the audience and occasion at hand. We cooperate closely with senior management and their communications teams to craft speeches and effectively get their ideas across to employees, investors, the media and other stakeholders. 

Drafting opinion pieces, articles and blog posts

Clearly expressing an executive’s strategy for his or her organization in writing can make a real difference in the success of its execution. We identify opportunities for companies to deliver and promote their vision; and we excel at crafting polished content that serves to inform, inspire and entertain the intended audience.  Our work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Roll Call, The Times of India, Barrons, The Straits Times among many other outlets.

Press releases

The time-honored press release still plays an important role in any comprehensive communications strategy. We rapidly produce concise and lively releases on any topic required, writing so that an organization’s newsworthy announcements can reach beyond the usual trade press channels.

Annual & sustainability reports

When disclosing their activities from the past year, organizations should be sure to draw proper attention to their mission as well as their numbers. We work with large enterprises to assemble the appropriate and required information, engaging with staff to organize and edit it into a compelling and consistent narrative.  We annually draft reports for clients in the finance, chemical and infrastructure sectors.

White papers

In the information age, business content must present a sharp image of a company’s offering, direction and values, overcoming short attention spans to captivate and influence the target audience. We use our research skills and analytical capacity to draft white papers on a wide range of complex topics, creating relevant content that distinguishes our clients.

Media training

Especially on camera, a clear presentation of ideas and messages can make the difference between success and failure. We draw on more than 20 years of experience in the communications industry to prepare executives for their most important public appearances.

Conference messaging

Conferences can serve as important platforms to establish an organization’s authority while informing, motivating, inspiring and entertaining a select group of people. We partner with corporate communications teams to ensure our clients’ messages make their intended mark on the audience.

Naming and branding

Company names and brands are vital to building and maintaining trust and to staying relevant in ever-evolving markets. We support all aspects of our clients’ major naming and branding campaigns, from whole-company resets to the launch of new products, services and solutions.

Ghostwriting and editing

Writing and editing in longer formats calls for more detailed thinking about the issues at hand, as well as for new arguments to support key positions and the maintenance of a clear, consistent voice. We work with clients in government, business and academia to discreetly ensure that their articles, books and academic papers are perfect in every detail.

Strategic analysis

Business strategies are always improved when an outside perspective is rigorously applied to their premises, analyses and conclusions. We work with our clients to refine their strategies, helping them to identify possible gaps in thinking and to anticipate likely reactions from a wide spectrum of audiences and stakeholders.

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